Mope Tekstil

Our Philosophy

Quality Control, which is indispensable for the textile industry, has reached the top with the Golden Ratio philosophy of Mope Tekstil. Here, the product is carefully examined by the "Quality Assurance Department", even at the prototype stage. After making the necessary warnings, the mold is removed and production processes are started. By choosing the right material and using the right production techniques, an undesirable situation that may occur on the product is prevented from the very beginning. Problems encountered during sample production shed light on the production phase and thanks to the reports obtained, the basis for a smooth production phase is prepared.
A detailed quality control study is carried out at every stage of production. You can see the quality control studies from the sample stage to the packaging stage of the product below. AT SAMPLE PHASE: 1.Security check, 2.Mold control, 3. Checking inside and after sewing, 4. Controls in the washing phase, The controls in the 5th packaging stage are made by examining the finest detail.
IN PRODUCTION: 1. In planning; control of factors such as accessories and fabrics, 2. In the model shop; control of mold, size and shrinkage values, 3. In the slaughterhouse; marker and fabric control, 4. After cutting, control of cutting and fabric defect sorting, 5. Controlling and reports by the contract follower and product manager at the moment of sewing and after 6. In the washing phase, quality controls of each stage are carefully carried out so that any problem that may arise is corrected before it grows. In addition to the quality controllers within the departments, washing subcontractors and product managers also make the necessary checks and report them.
IN PACKAGING: Quality control in 1st Çakım, 2. Quality control in yarn cleaning, 3. Quality control in ironing dept., Quality control in the 4th dimension, 5. Quality control at the color stage, 6.Packaging details are scrutinized by the product officers and packaging subcontractors. Working with the principle of zero defects, the "Quality Assurance Department" subjected all products to measurement control one by one, examines all products and reports the performance of quality controllers.
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